
Coffee Tours Online Booking System

Whether exploring coffee trees or visiting a tea farm, TicketingHub ensures a hassle-free reservation process. Tour guide operators in the coffee and tea industry can now benefit from 10x growth and efficiency.

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Streamline coffee and tea tour bookings

For coffee and tea tour operators, our specialized booking software for tour operators enhances direct online reservations, attendee management, and distribution.

booking widget to sell coffee farm tours
We've got a 24/7 booking widget that makes it easy for people to book and process payments.

Get more bookings

  • Make direct tour bookings easier with a widget tailored to your brand.
  • Just one line of code to integrate seamlessly into your CMS - perfect for your homepage or a booking page.
  • Convert more visitors and boost loyalty with a 5-step booking process.
  • Multiple currencies and payment methods to cater to coffee and tea lovers.
forhandler login portal
Provide resellers with a login portal to manage their tours.

Get 80% more bookings with resellers and affiliate links

  • Increase farm tour bookings by 80% through affiliate links.
  • Provide resellers with a white-labeled widget and a login portal to manage coffee and tea tours.
  • Boost your reach by showcasing your tour slots on OTAs like Get Your Guide, TripAdvisor, Klook, and Airbnb Experiences.
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Arbejder klogere, ikke hårdere

Vores hjemmelavede opskrift på succes

We're here to make coffee and tea tour operators' lives easier. Our coffee & tea tour booking platforms and software are custom-designed for industry operators in the coffee and tea sector, saving them up to 80% on customer inquiries and backend inefficiencies.  

CRM for guest communication
Make your tours more personal by integrating CRM.

Save time from phone calls

  • Our user-friendly magic link enables travelers to reschedule, cancel, or convert coffee & tea tour bookings on their own.
  • Send tour reminders automatically with our messaging tool - so everyone's ready and excited.
  • Verify traveler emails during the reservation process to prevent invalid bookings.
drop-kampagne for forladte indkøbskurve
Send follow-up emails to visitors who still need to complete their bookings.

Markedsføring, der virker

  • Make sure every reservation gets secured with abandoned cart reminders. We send follow-up emails to enthusiasts who don't complete their bookings.
  • Når turene er fuldt bookede, så sæt gæsterne på en venteliste.
  • Enhance your online presence in coffee & tea tour booking by launching automated participant feedback requests.
all in one management
Et dashboard til alle dine ledelsesbehov.

Tag kontrollen

  • Indstil og ændr ledige slots på tværs af bookingplatforme.
  • Forebyg overbookinger med realtidsdata på en cloud-platform.
  • Tjek tilgængelighed på tværs af alle kanaler, så du altid er opdateret.
crm feature
Få VIP'er til at føle sig specielle ved at segmentere dem i CRM.
  • Get dedicated coffee and tea lovers a better experience with the CRM.
  • Giv deltagerne en nem måde at ændre deres bookinger på, hvilket reducerer kundekøer og interaktion.
  • Fremme anmeldelser efter turen ved at opfordre besøgende til at skrive dem.
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ticketinghub for

Kaffe- og te-ture

Funktioner i Ticketinghub

  • Tilgængeligheds kalender
  • Multi-valuta
  • Data eksport
  • Detaljeret rapportering
  • Team Management
  • Meddelelser om ydeevne
  • Udsendelse af meddelelser
  • Central indbakke
  • Kunderelationer
A black and white photo of three different shapes

A new way to book food tours with TicketingHub

Inefficient ticketing and attendee management challenges plague SecretFoodTours. In order to solve these problems, TicketingHub offers a seamless online booking system, efficient attendee organization, and sales dashboard. Now this growing global food tour company makes booking fun and simple with features like 24/7 booking, smart marketing tools, and insightful data analytics. The results? In five years, SecretFoodTours grew from a single-city museum to a food touring empire sweeping 55 cities and growing.
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Designed for coffee and tea tour operators, our intuitive software caters to the unique needs of these

It excels at organizing tour participants and simplifying online reservations across mobile devices and various sales platforms. In return, it boosts revenue and ensures an unmatched coffee & tea tour experience every time.

harvesting coffee beans
Make your guests' coffee farm tours the best.

Administrer billetter og ture bedre

Online and in-person coffee & tea tour reservations are easy with our software.

Slip af med forældede manuelle billetsystemer, og erstat dem med vores cloud-baserede løsning.

Every step of the way, whether organizing one-day coffee farm tours, exclusive tea shop experiences, or promoting early bird bookings, our software ensures tourists have an excellent farm tour experience.

At holde lageret under kontrol

Make coffee & tea tours easier with our integrated platform. With our software, you can make online and on-site tickets, customize ticket categories, monitor bookings, and offer special promotions all in one place.

Get a booking solution that increases revenue and keeps customers coming back.

green tea farm harvest
Sell tea farm tour tickets on your website and let visitors book online.

Custom insights and data analysis

A data-driven approach to planning is crucial for effective tourism. Our coffee & tea tour booking software provides detailed analytics and reports on ticket sales, tourist behavior, and more.

Vi integrerer problemfrit med Google Search Console, Google Analytics og Facebook Pixel.

Find the best times to book tours and develop strategies to increase income and tour bookings.

Easy point-of-sale integration

We have POS integration that makes in-person selling easy, synchronizing each sale with your online bookings.

Find flere ekspertråd på TicketingHubs blog:

oprettelse af en booking-hjemmeside
why spreadsheets is not for resource planning
responding to google reviews
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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

1. Why should I consider a coffee tour online booking system for my business?

 Implementing a coffee tours online booking system streamlines the reservation process for coffee and tea tours and offers a competitive edge. In the digital age, customers seek convenience and instant confirmation.

Such a system reduces manual administrative tasks, minimizes human errors, and provides valuable data insights about your visitors' preferences. This enables you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies more effectively.

2. How can I attract more guests to my coffee and tea tours?

Beyond a captivating website, here are ways to attract more guests to your tours:

  • Leverage social media platforms to showcase behind-the-scenes glimpses of your tours, testimonials, and unique experiences.
  • Collaborate with local businesses, hotels, and restaurants to offer package deals.
  • Engage in content marketing, sharing stories about the origin of the coffee beans, the artisans behind the tea blends, and the cultural significance of your tours.

3. What features should the online booking system have?

A comprehensive tea tour online booking system should be user-friendly and mobile-responsive, offering features like real-time availability, automated reminders, multilingual support, and secure payment gateways. Integrating customer reviews and ratings also builds trust.

Additionally, providing detailed information about the tour duration,  clarify whether you require advance bookings or accept walk-ins (no reservation needed), what to expect, the tour guide's expertise, and any unique amenities or experiences, like a tea-tasting session or a workshop, can enhance the user experience.

4. How can I ensure the success of my walking tours in a coffee farm?

Success lies in the details. Offer immersive experiences like hands-on coffee harvesting, interactive sessions explaining the journey from bean to cup, and opportunities to interact with local farmers. Use storytelling to share the history of the coffee farm, the challenges of coffee cultivation, and the art of coffee tasting.

Ensure that your online platform provides vivid imagery, clear instructions on what guests should wear or bring, information on whether you require advance bookings or accept walk-ins (no reservation needed), and the ability to book online seamlessly.

5. Are reservations needed for tea farm tours?

Absolutely. Reservations ensure you can manage visitors, ensuring a more personalized and less crowded experience. During peak times like New Year's Day or Thanksgiving Day, reservations help with staff planning, resource allocation, and maintaining the tour quality. An online booking system can send automated reminders to reduce no-shows and allow easy rescheduling.

6. How can I enhance the experience for visitors on my coffee and tea tours?

Personalization is key. Consider offering customizable tour options based on interest levels – from a quick overview for casual enthusiasts to a deep dive for aficionados. Incorporate multimedia elements, like videos or AR experiences, to enrich the storytelling. Post-tour, consider setting up a tasting session paired with local delicacies. Regularly train your tour guides to ensure they're updated with the latest information and can answer questions confidently.

7. Can I accommodate large groups on farm tours?

With proper planning, absolutely. For large groups, consider offering specialized group tours with dedicated tour guides. This ensures a more organized experience. Your online booking system can have a feature for group bookings, where special requests can be made. Offering group discounts or additional amenities, like a complimentary tea shop visit or a souvenir, can make the experience more memorable.

8. How can I promote my tea shop as part of the tea tour?

Storytelling is a powerful tool. Share the origins of the teas you sell, the artisans behind them, and any unique brewing techniques. Offer exclusive discounts or products only available to tour participants. Organize mini-events or workshops in the tea shop post-tour to encourage purchases, like a tea-blending session or a tea and food pairing workshop.

9. What payment tools should my online booking system support?

Diversify your payment options to cater to global audiences. Support major credit cards, online payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe, and even local payment methods popular in your region. To build customer trust, ensure payment security and speed.

10. How can I keep up with the latest trends in coffee and tea tours?

Engage in continuous learning. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and webinars. Join online forums and communities dedicated to coffee and tea tourism. Collaborate with other businesses to exchange insights. Seek feedback from guests and be open to new ideas. Whether incorporating sustainability practices or leveraging technology for virtual tours, staying updated ensures your tours remain relevant and appealing.

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Sælg flere billetter via din hjemmeside, POS eller forhandlere. Automatiser dine opgaver. Og få din forretning til at vokse.


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fra 30+ anmeldelser på Capterra

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Forenkl og Strømlin billettering fra forsiden og bagsiden

Vi afskaffede papirjournaler, papirbilag og brændstofkilometer fra at skulle levere papirbilag. Vi videregav også besparelserne fra porto og udskrivningsomkostninger. rep og hans team arbejdede utrætteligt for at få systemet implementeret på vores hjemmeside.

A man in a black shirt is smiling

Rob C.

Vin og spiritus

Fantastisk, fleksibel og med god støtte fra teamet!

Jeg kører gratis vandreture, og de hjælper mig med at få bookinger online via vores hjemmeside. Systemet er meget fleksibelt, og teamet hjalp mig med nogle tilpasninger, så det passer præcis til mine behov. Stor hjælp fra teamet. Jeg er super tilfreds med dem.

A man in an orange shirt is smiling

Daniel B.



Først og fremmest, den TicketingHub kundeservice team er fremragende-altid til rådighed for at hjælpe og mottoet: ingen spørgsmål er for dum! Selve softwaren det store, meget intuitiv med en enkel, men effektiv grænseflade, der giver os mulighed for at sælge vores produkter, gøre nogle mersalg, oprette forbindelse via API med vores foretrukne leverandører og bruge flere betalingsprocessorer samt.

A woman in a white shirt standing in front of a building

Alex P.

Fritid, rejser og turisme

Operatører stoler på og elsker TicketingHub

Feedbacks fra Capterra hjemmeside

Absolutley Great

Dette billetsystem er meget alsidigt og giver dig mulighed for at gøre næsten alt, hvad du kan tænke dig. De har en enestående kundesupport og synes at kende deres kunder ved navn, så hvis du har problemer, skal du bare ringe til dem, og så skal de nok ordne det.
Luke E
25. juni 2019


Først og fremmest er TicketingHubs kundeserviceteam fantastisk - de er altid klar til at hjælpe, og mottoet er: Intet spørgsmål er for dumt!
Alex P
Juni 18, 2019

Et af de bedste systemer til min virksomheds behov.

Alt i alt har det været et uvurderligt værktøj og system for min virksomhed, som har hjulpet os med at vokse og udvide. Vi har brugt Ticketinghub i en række år, fordi deres system passer perfekt til vores behov for at sælge billetter globalt.
Oliver M
juni 20, 2019


Vores prismodel er så gennemsigtig, som den kan blive. Ingen skjulte gebyrer, ingen betingelser. Betal kun for de vellykkede salg, vi behandler for dig.